Health and Sanitation/WASH

$0 of $50,000 raised

OFEAS envisions a healthy population for optimal productivity hence better standard of living in society. Therefore, we will work to improve both human and environmental health situation in the sphere of our operation. It has to be acknowledged though that this area has some of the most marginalized communities with dire health and sanitation conditions in the country. Diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea cholera, and HIV/AIDS devastate the area. OFEAS works towards the realisation of national health outcomes in Kenya with the desired outcome that – children, youth and communities have access to appropriate water and sanitation facilities, sufficient food with nutritional components, increased uptake of reproductive health services, increased access to maternal health services, and reduction of child mortality.

 Water, sanitation and hygiene
 Food and nutrition
 Policy advocacy on non-communicable diseases
 Sexual reproductive health rights
 Maternal health & child survival
 HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and referral for care and treatment
 Medical referrals for children with disabilities
 Mobile clinics

In this respect, OFEAS recognizes that community elders, leaders and women are key-solutions in curving the health and hygiene needs of society. As such, OFEAS will try to train and provide capacity to them in these fields. Importantly, they should clearly know their respective role in bringing about healthy population and hygienic environment for the communities in the areas of its focus. As a design, we will continue to partner with other organizations interested in these fields accordingly.

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Donation Total: $50.00