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Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the world? Check out our available campaigns and projects that are aimed at creating meaningful change in the areas of education, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability. With your support, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it the most. Visit our website today and make a difference!

Health and Sanitation/WASH

OFEAS envisions a healthy population for optimal productivity hence better standard of living in society. Therefore,…

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Health and Sanitation/WASH

$0 of $50,000 raised

OFEAS envisions a healthy population for optimal productivity hence better standard of living in society. Therefore, we will work to improve both human and environmental health situation in the sphere of our operation. It has to be acknowledged though that this area has some of the most marginalized communities with dire health and sanitation conditions in the country. Diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea cholera, and HIV/AIDS devastate the area. OFEAS works towards the realisation of national health outcomes in Kenya with the desired outcome that – children, youth and communities have access to appropriate water and sanitation facilities, sufficient food with nutritional components, increased uptake of reproductive health services, increased access to maternal health services, and reduction of child mortality.

 Water, sanitation and hygiene
 Food and nutrition
 Policy advocacy on non-communicable diseases
 Sexual reproductive health rights
 Maternal health & child survival
 HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and referral for care and treatment
 Medical referrals for children with disabilities
 Mobile clinics

In this respect, OFEAS recognizes that community elders, leaders and women are key-solutions in curving the health and hygiene needs of society. As such, OFEAS will try to train and provide capacity to them in these fields. Importantly, they should clearly know their respective role in bringing about healthy population and hygienic environment for the communities in the areas of its focus. As a design, we will continue to partner with other organizations interested in these fields accordingly.

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Donation Total: $50.00

Food Security and Livelihood

OFEAS considers food security key function for desirable livelihood in society. Therefore, OFEAS envisions deliberate engagement…

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Food Security and Livelihood

$0 of $150,000 raised

OFEAS considers food security key function for desirable livelihood in society. Therefore, OFEAS envisions deliberate engagement in programs and activities that tackle the root causes of hunger cardinal. Thus, we will proactively address problems of commodity production, access to factors of production, and generation of income in society. To meet basic needs of communities within the realm of our operation, OFEAS will attempt to bolster agricultural production, jumpstart local market activities, support micro-enterprise initiatives, and ensure vulnerable members of communities to sustainable access sources of food and income.

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Donation Total: $50.00

Elderly Persons

Our program offers a range of activities, including social, health, educational, financial, and legal activities, designed…

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Elderly Persons

$0 of $50,000 raised

Our program offers a range of activities, including social, health, educational, financial, and legal activities, designed to address the needs of the elderly in Kenya. We believe that every elderly person deserves a fulfilling life, and we are committed to making this a reality.

Objectives of the Program

 A. Primary objectives

  1. To improve the quality of life for the elderly: The organization aims to provide a range of services and resources to improve the quality of life for elderly individuals in Kenya.
  2. To provide necessary medical care: The organization will provide medical clinics, health education, and exercise classes to ensure that elderly individuals have access to essential medical care.
  3. To create a sense of community: The organization will organize group meetings, special events, and cultural activities to create a sense of community and reduce social isolation among elderly individuals.

B. Secondary objectives

  1. To provide educational resources: The organization will provide classes, workshops, and mentoring programs to help elderly individuals learn new skills and improve their quality of life.
  2. To address financial needs: The organization will provide microloan programs, financial counseling, and budgeting and planning workshops to help elderly individuals manage their finances and achieve financial stability.
  3. To address legal needs: The organization will provide advocacy and representation, legal advice, and estate planning services to help elderly individuals address legal issues and protect their rights

Your donation can help provide access to healthcare, education, and financial support that many elderly people in Kenya desperately need. You can help reduce social isolation, financial insecurity, and poor health among the elderly population.

Join us in our cause to make a positive impact on the lives of the elderly in Kenya. We rely on your support to continue our mission, and we are grateful for any amount you can give.

Donate today and make a difference in the lives of those who have given so much to our society.

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Donation Total: $50.00

Environmental Protection and Conservation

OFEAS considers environmental protection and conservation absolutely cardinal to ensure practical better livelihood for the communities…

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Environmental Protection and Conservation

$0 of $50,000 raised

OFEAS considers environmental protection and conservation absolutely cardinal to ensure practical better livelihood for the communities living in the environs therein. Indeed, we stand for practices that guarantee balanced ecosystem conducive to human, domestic-animals and wildlife habitation. We have noted with consternation that the cattle seem more destructive to the natural environment than wildlife. So, more creative ways are demanded particularly to re-socialize pastoralists to manage and utilize cattle differently and appropriately in line with ethical environmental protection and conservation standards.

OFEAS prays that human and domesticated animals enable nature sustained for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. It is essential to regulate the climate to sustain communities and support biodiversity. Therefore, to realize these ecological aims, OFEAS will collaboratively work with local authorities, communities and partners.

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Donation Total: $50.00

Girl-child, orphans and PWLD education

The Education for All program is a non-profit initiative that aims to provide education and learning…

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Girl-child, orphans and PWLD education

$0 of $150,000 raised

The Education for All program is a non-profit initiative that aims to provide education and learning opportunities for the girl-child, orphans, and persons with learning disabilities (PWLD). The program recognizes that education is a fundamental human right, and seeks to break down the barriers that prevent these vulnerable groups from accessing education.

Mission statement

Our mission is to provide equal educational opportunities for all, particularly those who are marginalized and vulnerable, by addressing cultural barriers, providing educational materials and resources, and partnering with schools and community organizations.


  1. To enhance the enrollment of girl-child, orphans, and PWLD in school
  2. To improve the quality of education for these vulnerable groups
  3. To promote gender equality and social inclusion through education
  4. To empower these groups through education, and increase their prospects for a better future.

Target beneficiaries

The program focuses on the following groups:

  1. Girl-child: particularly in rural and remote areas, where cultural barriers often prevent girls from accessing education.
  2. Orphans: who often lack the support and resources to access education
  3. Persons with learning disabilities (PWLD): who are often neglected and excluded from mainstream education.

Program Description

Education for Girl-child

  1. Importance of girl-child education The program recognizes the critical role that girls play in the development of society, and the impact that educating girls can have on reducing poverty, promoting gender equality, and improving health outcomes. The program seeks to address cultural barriers that often prevent girls from accessing education, by partnering with community organizations and schools to promote gender-sensitive education.
  2. Addressing cultural barriers The program seeks to address cultural barriers that prevent girls from accessing education, such as early marriage, gender-based violence, and traditional gender roles. Through community outreach and advocacy, the program aims to promote awareness of the benefits of educating girls, and to empower girls to assert their right to education.
  3. Strategies for enhancing girl-child education The program employs various strategies to enhance girl-child education, such as providing scholarships, mentoring and coaching, and partnering with schools and community organizations to promote gender-sensitive education.

Education for Orphans

  1. Addressing the needs of orphans The program recognizes that orphans often lack the support and resources to access education, and seeks to address their unique needs. This includes addressing psychological trauma, providing basic needs, and providing educational support.
  2. Providing educational opportunities for orphans The program seeks to provide educational opportunities for orphans, by providing scholarships, textbooks, and school uniforms. The program also partners with schools and community organizations to provide psychosocial support and mentorship.
  3. Strategies for supporting orphans’ education The program employs various strategies to support orphans’ education, such as providing basic needs, counseling and therapy, and partnering with schools and community organizations to promote inclusive education.

Education for PWLD

  1. Understanding the needs of PWLD The program recognizes that PWLD often face unique challenges in accessing education, such as stigma, discrimination, and lack of appropriate learning resources. The program seeks to understand the needs of PWLD, and to provide inclusive educational opportunities.
  2. Providing educational opportunities for PWLD The program seeks to provide educational opportunities for PWLD, by providing assistive technology, specialized teaching materials, and adapted learning resources. The program also partners with schools and community organizations to provide psychosocial support and mentorship.
  3. Strategies for supporting PWLD’s education The program employs various strategies to support PWLD’s education, such as providing assistive technology, teacher training, and promoting inclusive education.

Help make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and persons with learning disabilities by donating to the Education for All program. Your donation will go towards providing equal educational opportunities and breaking down cultural barriers. Join us in promoting gender equality and social inclusion through education. Donate now!

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Donation Total: $50.00

Capacity Development

OFEAS considers capacity building, formal or informal, as one key ingredient for meaningful development and sustainable…

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Capacity Development

$0 of $50,000 raised

OFEAS considers capacity building, formal or informal, as one key ingredient for meaningful development and sustainable prosperity in society as Kenya. In that respect, one of the painful realities in many communities in the country is the poor capacity building standards and lack of the same for the elderly that matters. Based on the maxim: “Little capacity building is worse than No Capacity building”, OFEAS observed with apprehension that where training exist,
the actual elements that constitute capacity building are tremendously wanting, for instance, trainers are often ill equipped or work on a volunteer basis and training materials unavailable; and if, available – untimely notwithstanding the unresolved problem of harmonization of capacity building needs at the national level. Inadequate training/learning spaces leaving elderly persons deficient of knowledge and hence increases chances of vulnerability to property and financial predators ranging from minor to severe and thus affecting the elderly person’s capacity building.

We have evidenced-based belief that formal capacity building is relatively expensive for instance, OFEAS observed that literacy and illiteracy, which are direct products of formal capacity building, are in this modern day-and-age equally direct functions that reduce or perpetuate poverty cycle especially in the peripherized populations in Kenya.

In this regard, OFEAS realizes the fundamental need for tangible community capacity building. Therefore, OFEAS will endeavor to provide basic quality capacity building to children, women and strategic community leaders in communities through different organized
programs as:
(i.) Improve and expand safer capacity building services for children and youth,
(ii.) Enhance the relevance of capacity building and promote elderly people well-being,
(iii.) Improve the quality of capacity building system management through local education

(iv.) Provide rapid response mechanisms that will increase the resilience in times of crisis,
(v.) Provide Adult capacity building, and Creative Pastoral education Programs.
(vi.) Promote reporting desk mechanism and retention through provision of communication enablers.
(vii.) Provision of nutrition program for under 5 children enrolled in the Elderly people Development Program.

Truly, OFEAS is consciously aware of the need for elderly people capacity building in some of the most marginalized communities in Kenya like the Nyanza community that it has most served. Demography illustrates that over half of Kenya populace is above 60. Since OFEAS believes the old are current community leaders; thus, the real elderly capacity building empowerment is truly inspiring. As such, OFEAS has tried to partner with local communities and appropriate donors to develop opportunities for children and adults to attend schools where there are none.

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Donation Total: $50.00

Meet our Donars

Thank You to Our Wonderful Donars

We extend our sincerest gratitude to all our donors who have generously contributed to our programs. Your support has helped us make a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable children and persons with learning disabilities. Be Blessed!